Drawing consist of lower torso in a human body. Following from Shin bone to the phalanges of our feet including an overview of lower torso. Working together harmonious as one system.
Showing both right and left hip bones that connects to the pelvic bone as a lubricant producing an voluntary such as walking, running and jogging. Right: the pelvic girdle is located where the anus been positioned as part of the pelvic bones. As very part of the bone has specific functions and biomechanics to it.
Drawing resemble two souls in one body. Right side consists of natural and mythical creatures such as Wind, water, earth, fire, ice, thunder, solar, lunar and eclipse. As it evolves through evolution, storm, lava, Inferno, Blizzard, Lightning, Aurora and Corona. It's Ultimate form: Hurricane, magma, Supernova, Ice Age, Prominence, phoenix, mermaid, fairy, minotaur, Garuda, lycan, ligertah, rhigophant, shauta, putotriranosaurus, Fang, and etc.. Left side consisting auralment such as Tamarian, Angel, Atleantean, Trigger, metal, Mercurian, Knight, Amazonian and Archer. Trigger is an ability of a gunslinger. Allows him or her to fire unlimited amounts of ammunitions.
Sketch resembling a human skull with group of vertebrae in an unknown formation. It is a human form but not fully evolved yet. It had been known as a humanoid in perception. No where in the world haven't discovered humanoid species. Could this be the first humanoid to solve riddles and puzzles?
Drawing shows image of Medusa with headless figure. What happens if there is body functioning without a head. Is there any alien beings that have human's emotions? so many things to discover and yet we are afraid to find out. I hope that it won't give heart attack to anyone whoever is reading it.
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